martes, 9 de junio de 2009

BING, Bing, bing, BOOOM back, Mr. Microsoft!!! It was long since we had some "little disagreements" regarding the magnificent, fast and optimized Vista, but I promise I will be again neutral when analyzing bing concept and results.
First of all, the "beta" concept has been copied from Google. Maybe it is only stating what sometimes is unavoidable: launching a product that is still in development phase. I would say that finally they recognized the risks (selling Vista beta 2 would have been an interesting concept), but there is a strong need to gain some momentum in order not to lose one of the last trains of Internet for Microsoft.

Analyzing precedents, Windows Live Search was... sorry, I cannot continue. Creepy, annoying (more than one left IExplorer because of it), slow, unreliable, commercial, not relevant... everything you don't want in a search engine, there it was.
Now bing tries to put some pressure on Google, hoping to gain market share and benefit from the huge (and growing) advertising pie of Internet.

IDC, in one of its studies, states that the worldwide Internet advertising spening was of $65.2 billion in 2008 and a predicted one of $106 billion in 2011. Not only that, but it is also more resilient to financial crisis, being more targeted and paid by CPC (Cost per Click - meaning not only attention, but customer attention and intention). For a more detailed study, the report from IAB & PwC

A perfect example could be the results of Q1 in US showed by PwC and the IAB, where decline in ad sales are compared between different media. While online revenues decreased just a 5%, real-life newspaper ads had a 29.7% decline.

Therefore, we are talking about a resilient, consistent $65.2 billion market with enormous growth possibilities. Talking about search share of that market, it would be a 45% in the US. Something around $30 billion worldwide!!!!

Well, now we know why Microsoft wants a powerful share engine. There is a strong business case behind it, let's see how they worked it out.
Graphically appealling, they Google layout has been copied - links at the top and the bottom, nothing else to give sense of simplicity, even the round letters of the name bing. Something nice is the changing and relaxing background photos, good for Microsoft!!!

What about search? Is it fast? I'm going to search FAST to evaluate both the quality and the speed of a bing search. And the results are.... WOW.

WOW. It's fast, no doubt. But... what about relevance? Developer web page, email of a Spanish telecom, an audio converter and a ferry are among the 6 most relevant results for Bing... WOW.

The image search, however, has some really nice features, being able not only to choose among size, but also layout, color, style and if people are present. Good system of thumbnails, by the way.

Disastrous News search and shopping is done through CIAO. Good initiative from Microsoft, trying to benefit from Ciao's experience and platform rather than building something that does not work - as happened with the rest of features, sorry to say that.

Why??? There is real need of replicating what Google does really well? Microsoft, stop wasting precious time and money and try to reinvent Internet search. The amount of information is reaching points where search is no longer enough, when recommendations and personalization will rule over the rest of searches. Amazon has significant advantage, but there are some start-ups as Strands that would help to shorten that gap with their recommendation engine. It is, in fact, interesting not only for Microsoft, but for many big players.

Future? Not much for Bing, that will BOOM soon...

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

Iphone 3Gs

Well, I really expected much more from the new Iphone. Actually... there is not much new to talk about...

The name, 3Gs, does not let much to imagination: refurbishing the old model, instant success, money maker. Nothing really new on the hardware side apart from fixing some important flaws; however, the main focus and effort, as we all imagined after the new features and enhancements of the iPhone O.S. 3.0, is situated on the apps and SW possibilities of the phone.

It was, somehow, expected. What started as a marginal side-project of Jobs in his mobile platform has shaken the whole industry, tearing apart competitors and becoming the main competitive advantage of the iPhone: who else can provide 50.000 applications to complement a mobile phone? Luckily, Apple was fast to spot it and gave maximum priority on working for developers, releasing early versions and helping them to build their precious walled garden.

Let's return to the HW to see what has changed:

Camera located on back of iPhone. to Camera located on back of iPhone.
The camera, one of the weakest points of the iPhone, has been renewed. A 3 megapixel camera, incredibly advanced when talking about fridges and dishwashers, allows also video recording -and Apple entered in the XXI Century!!.
Images of the iPhone 3G S camera's tap to focus feature and the video camera interface.
Impressive again the SW capabilities; the features of choosing the object of focus in the camera or trimming videos "on the fly" show how iPhone can leverage the 3.0 O.S. and opens the path for future enhancements in developing apps and the O.S.

A map on iPhone showing the location of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the compass application.
A digital compass complements the built-in GPS and the use of Google Maps. It is nice to know in which direction are you heading to, although (in my opinion) it is a minor improvement.

Other HW improvements are the increase in capacity (only models of 16 and 32 GB), battery life (if I were you, I wouldn't count on it) and the connectivity, i.e. with the Nike+ sensor.

However, and here you can really see the improvements, what offers the phone regardless of its version is amazing. Using the enhanced processing performanceSpeed Icon, the iPhone 3Gs can make the user experience even better when using features as Voice Control (long time ago I stopped believing in voice and speech recognition... let's see), the necessaries ctrl+c, ctrl+x and ctrl+v (copy, cut, paste), searches, voice memo, landscape keyboard, accesibility, Internet tethering...

As a conclusion, Apple clearly hasn't reinvented itself nor the iPhone, but has given the community of developers - its real competitive advantage - the tools to maintain the app offering leadership, to nurture their imagination and innovation... and giving the possibility to monetize their creativity, of course. Many things to do. Only 50.000 apps. Do you want to enter in the iPhone 3Gs world?