viernes, 23 de enero de 2009


I wrote about technology for the subject of Technological Foundations of the Convergence Process:

[...]Truth is that nanotechnology is the next step in the evolution of the technology.

Nanotechnology is the science that tries to control matter on an atomic or molecular scale (for a better definition, Wikipedia)

It is quite interesting, in the world of computers, the 2 parallel paths that are being investigated. On the one hand, Intel is defying the laws of semiconductors by reducing the size of the transistors. This means more computing power in less space, less energy consumption, faster operations... Although I'm a bit skeptic, because of the problem I'm going to explain you: 

Microprocessors have problems with temperature (overheating) because the transistors emit heat when operating; the faster a microprocessor is, the more operations it makes, and the heat emitted is higher and higher. So well, there is a problem: at certain temperatures, the microprocessor melts, so we need a cooling device. Look what happens if it doesn't work (or we remove it). That same heat, joined with effects produced by an almost non-existent separation between transistors, could make this option's future disappear. 

Returning to Intel's approach, they will experience overheating problems, as well as they might reach the physical barriers of semiconductor-based transistors.

On the other hand, the second path is the one I find really impressive and revolutionary. It uses atoms and molecular transistors not necessarily silicon-based (as Intel studies do). It will be... a life. It's the beginning of the real AI. It will reduce the power consumption, the size and the concept of computing. 

The future is here, welcome, atomic and molecular (if not alive) computers.

Extra readings:

Book Marketing!

Book promotions is something that is not very common. It is something reduced to some authors as Tom Clancy, Patricia Cornwell or Stephen King, really well-known best-sellers that assure big success with their new books. But with innovative and marketing-oriented writers as James Patterson, new ways of promoting a book have been searched. Some are really new and fascinating, as book trailers.

We talked about book trailers in the Business Models Analysis classes as a new way to develop book consumption. But some concerns were also spotted:
  • Wouldn't it spoil actual customers?
  • Wouldn't it change the preferences of possible book buyers? Attracting customers by making them actually SEE something that takes place in the book... maybe is counter-productive, making them go to the cinema to see a film, to have a visual experience. Or not?
Well, in my opinion, the answer is clear: NO. It is not only something that the industry is doing in order to lose money. It is becoming more and more popular (as we can see in TrailerSpy or in BookScreening) because, in some cases, it really works!!

I would like to attract your attention at Sherrilyn Kenyon and her Dark Hunter series. It takes the concept to the limit:

What can it bring in terms of sales increases? Let me show you some of the comments:

I pictured Ash differently but he's still hot. No wonder Artemis is crazy about him. Hate her...

omg the book made me cry

dear god, this book was amazing! the first part was awesommmmmee! the 2nd, woow!
It is more than a preview, more than a promotion. It is a new way of discovering the book for new readers AND a meeting point for the traditional readers where they can exchange opinions and act (maybe without knowing it) as evangelizers. Moreover, it sparks fan's creativity, making them come up with new videos (and viral customer-driven marketing) of their beloved saga:

New ways of using new channels... I think it is really innovative and useful. Will it be the future, or just another distraction? Place your bets!!!

jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

Meneame: introduction

Meneame has an enormous success: in fact, appearing in the front page of it can mean thousands of visits for that particular website, blog post...

However, the fact that it is a successful site (with many visitors and active users) doesn't translate into a good revenue stream. Traditional advertisers have some problems (Pablo does a very good job in explaining it here) with some of the contents, which prevents them to invest in ads for meneame.

I came up with some ideas to develop new revenue sources. I will divide them in three posts, trying to monetize Meneame


Smartphones & Obama

Finally, he got it. He'll be able to have a smartphone and send emails wherever he wants, informs the CNN. Blackberry wasn't a good option in terms of security, so he is going to use an exclusive technology by General Dynamics: Sectera Edge. Take a look here, is pretty interesting :)
Although he won't be able to use instant messaging in the White House...

lunes, 19 de enero de 2009

Security online??

Well, through the blog of a friend I have just discovered two things:

1.- Internet may not be safe, but it can be even less secure than we thought!!!

2.- PS3s are a weapon of mass destruction (at least, in the www).

To get you introduced to the topic, a group of researchers made clear that they found a breach in the TLS (new SSL), and you can see it here. They used 300 PS3s in the process (please, don't dare to ask me what are they doing with that after cracking and making their own certificates).

Wow, it's more than hacking a company... it's a real potential Internet security breach. If you want their explanation, go to the project's main page.



New technologies and education

When Enrique Dans told us his thought of a collaborative environment for his 2.0 class, it seemed a great idea. Taking the class actually out of the class is something that I have never done before.

Sure, some professors in the University (specially those involved with Creative Commons licenses or even GNU licenses - not just following trends, but creating them;don't worry, I'll talk about the licenses in following posts) tried to make a collaborative environment to try to enhance innovation, discussions, human relationships.

But this is new, because not only we have to write of some defined topics as this same one (the introduction of blogs, microblogging, a "virtual me"), but to expand our scope and start to express our opinion, our vision of the future, of the trends and our lives in the unknown and feared arrival of the web 3.0.

I think this experience is going to improve the learning process and also the learning curve, as it is not the same to be told what the new trend are than experiencing it by yourself.

Welcome, virtual me. Welcome, Virtual World, or better, Real Virtual World.

See you soon,


sábado, 17 de enero de 2009

New ways of doing things...

In the Master in Telecom and Digital Business (from now MTDB, Program taught in the Instituto de Empresa, from now on IE) there is a subject in which diving in the new concepts of Web 2.0 is asked.

More than that, we are going to dive in the new trends in order to see how they can be used as class tools. 

Be prepared to know a whole lot about blogs, social networks, micro-blogging, online documents and much more.

